
little children ...

For starters : pedophile is a topic that still makes me feel nervous. Before you jump into conclusions, no I have not been harassed as a kid. but still a bad taste or bad tinge Is left behind …
So when my friend, told me that ‘little children’, had one protagonists as a person convicted for sex offences, I was really vary of the movie. but then there was Kate winslet and my prejudices towards her won over my prejudices against the pedophiles..
Ill start by saying,, this was not what I expected. The whole story was narrated to me and there was nothing that I was really forward to. But as the story unfolded, I was getting the links that the narration had missed. Characters were simple, nothing revolutionary and idea of boredom with life , was something that was prominent . Problem starts when we start categorizing and start looking for answers as to why is someone in that way or in my case a pedophile …
This picture , refused to give an answer, it went an extra step : it confronted me with questions,,, can sex be erased off someone s memory for a flash a second and can I look at the same person in a different way . with all the goodness in my heart , I am not sure , how will I ever react . yes I know its just a movie .. but these are the only things that still make me think …..
Sketch the character : and boredom might get a shade.. are we escaping our lives, or are we just trying to run away from life itself … I am not sure ..But I liked the way Kate winslet kept her hair , in the movie , not cos of dirty or unkempt, just cos … there was an idea of desperation or idea of tiredness that was evident from her look . She dint try to hide it or try to uncomplicated it . She did exactly the opposite.. She complicated it and tried reasoning out … is it the guilt or the better sense, not sure.. But the ending again shocked me ,,,
She dint run off with the man , she was having an affair with, cos her daughter wanted to go home.
The man with whom she was supposed to run off , had to skate one last time before running away and he ends up in hospital
The poedophile decides to free himself from the agaony by hurting himself
And people like me , decide to help him by not letting him die .
Does past really matter ……

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