
i wish woman had the right to chose once!

Someone once said that prostitution should be legalized, and trust me that person thought that he sounded like a modern man and was actually talking like a liberal.
But the only thing I could think of was, whether the woman involved really wanted to do this? I know there are reasons , there are circumstances but still would a woman ever do this, exchange her body for cash (even if I ever try arguing that woman can do that for pleasure, that’s something that would take ages to get into the thick heads) so lets just stick to the economic part of it. I come from a part where woman would die rather than do this, call me a conservative but that’s what I think, and the woman who get into this profession are forced by poverty (again a view so restricted by the readings and the feminists and the movies and any other source that an Indian can think off)
It strange that in this market (everything has boiled down to money, and I only can thank Western Economy for this) most of the consumers are the men and most of the service providers are woman. Thus this woman would exchange some cash and would provide services. Till now it’s fair enough in market sense.
If there is demand there would be supply.
But again the strange question comes into the picture, is this demand only restricted to women. Is there no demand for men??
Or if there is a demand, maybe it’s not really worth or maybe the demand is fulfilled by husbands………………………………….
Ok, I am aware of the fact that there are men involved in this institution (which person came up with this word, for everything is called an institution!!), but most of these men involved are either consumers or pimps or sometimes even service providers, but the ratio is less again. Maybe Freud would have an answer for that, so let’s leave that question out of this.
Strange but have always encountered this argument that this carnal desire is something that is natural and prostitution is a part of society and if its not there the ‘other woman’ of the society would not be able to survive!
In short, these prostitutes are like filters that filter the society of the dirty elements and since evil would always be there, these filters would always be there whether one likes it or not …………………
Strange but is this dirty element again restricted to men, are woman not even considered dirty enough to be these evil elements………………………..
We are trying to protect some woman by destroying some woman! I know life is not fair but can’t be this unfair also .
I know some people would find it feminist’s argument , hate to be labeled that but world has found a nomenclature for everything and lets thanks the oxford dictionary for that.
But would love to be contradicted on this
Have more but somehow don’t want to write a thesis here.


  1. The fact that you think...
    makes all the difference :)
    Whether you think right or wrong can never be solved! We can't really think for all humanity right? I think the issue is more about gender politics... not really about feminism and its concerns :)

  2. Well i don't agree with the arguments put forward by you, there are these specifics that i would rather discuss face to face with you.
    however very beautifully written and great that you put ur words into action( i hope you understand what i mean).

  3. Its nice to see people fight for a cause. However I don't see this fight making any difference at all. One man can change the world, but that world is only going to be limited to his own world. What really can change the globe is only time and a few thoughtful minds working behind in the direction. Prostitution, whether legalised or kept illegal, is not coming to an end in few years, whether you like it or not. There are women who choose this profession and there are others who are forced into it. And moreover, the demand for pleasure only increases with time, you will never see recession in this domain. So its a tough job ahead and you need to be tougher than your job to be able to sustain this good cause.

  4. it seems that u have chosen a topic and just written about it...without thinking...u just felt and wrote
    i cant pin point where u went wrong but something is lacking
    perhaps a practical and definite approach towards the subject
    i mean it doesnt matter wat are the reasons
    wat matters is the existence and the effects
    whether these effects are good(i doubt) or bad
    and then working it out....
