
The girl with shoes

she kept on walking as though there was no end, no destination, no line. She was walking with all her might, careful about every step she took, careful about the length of step. She was aware of the fact that she was walking. How many of us had that revelation in our lives, where we were aware of a simple act, that might just lead to the most important decision of our lives.

She had a long stretch of road ahead. It was dusty and had nothing but sign boards. She never understood why sign boards were used. did people actually look at them, did they ponder about the man who made them, did anyone take notice of the colours in them> If the answer was no, then what was the point. They just dictated the landmarks. people could have found that out by asking someone.

Why was there a sign board ?Shikha somehow was always busy with such important questions. she had these life changing decisions to make while walking.

She used to find her soul mate in her shoes. they had walked with her in different terrains. Her body had given up on her, but her shoes, never! She loved her shoes, they really fulfilled their purpose. Shikha liked the idea of objects fulfilling their purposes.

She still was walking, when she came across the Billboard. The woman in the board wore heals. shikha loved heals. there was something majestic about them. she could never find her soul mate in them, but she knew she would have fling with them one day. She thought about every object in the board. From the woman to the hair-pin on her head, everything was under scrutiny. so there were the glamorous shoes, the glamorous hair, the glamorous perfume, the glamorous clothes. everything was so perfect. then could not they put a smile on her face. she was so pretty, yet no smile. Did the objects in the board, fulfill their purpose. Not at all. She was again disappointed with people and their imagination.

She looked down on her shoes and smiled.
They were still smiling at her, she knew she could count on them. 

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