
visit to my favourite dentist

I have always hated going to the dentist, maybe he was always rude to me or maybe just made me realize how bad teeth I had, but this new dentist is different. Not because he has been sweet to him or he has given me permission to try out any sort of sweets. He does one thing very well, he talks! And very few people make sense when they talk , well call him an exception in this field.

My first surprise came in the pack of Sigmund Freud, I was trying to grapple the concept of his interpretation of dreams and I personally knew that I was doing a very bad job of it, so I took along that book to my dentist place (yes, I do carry books everywhere possible where I might get even 5 mins to read!). The only thing he said after looking at the book was that I should not read such books cos its one of the reasons for my wisdom tooth getting formed so crooked. I knew my dentist was trying his level best to calm my nerves so this joke was somehow entertained. But the shock came when he applied that concepts of dreams in the field of dentistry and started talking about lack of literature in dentistry. All this time I had cotton in my mouth and his left hand in my mouth and he kept on talking and the only sound I could make as a sign of approval was a moan.
This educational tour was not being stopped here and it continued during my next visits. this time the discussion spilled over to movies and well I guess he was waiting for a patient to discuss cinematography of the movie Godfather (I wanted to seek apology from him as I was not a fan of godfather and I only watched it cos one of my friends believed that my life would not have been complete if I had not watched that movie) so we discussed international movies and then he went about mafia in Italy.. All this discussion with his hands busy and my brain being throbbed with noise of the various instruments used in my mouth. Yet I remembered each and every thing he said or discussed …

Its funny , but now I look forward to going there , not for my check ups , but listen to his discussions , more so his monologues .. These are the places that somehow we do not expect to find knowledge and here I was finding the best of all by treating myself as a patient. The way one can derive knowledge, there is no limit ….
In the words of my dentist, there is no limit …
All you need is a good listener, and someone who loves listening to stories ;)